Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Orson Scott Card's Anti-Gay Views Response

In the book, Ender's Game, the actions made by some boys honestly seemed romantic, like the time when Alai kissed Ender on the cheek. I was completely shocked when I found out that Orson Scott Card is against gay marriage because his book made me assume the opposite. It was said that Orson Scott Card stated, “Marriage has only one definition, and any government that attempts to change it is my mortal enemy. I will act to destroy that government and bring it down." Before I knew this fact about Card, I really enjoyed the book and knew that it was quality work. Just because it changes the type of person I thought Card was, it doesn't change the art he has created or the fact that I like the book. I can help but feel a little bad about being a fan of Ender's Game and not the author behind the work, but I don't agree with Orson Scott Card and feel like he used his fame and publicity in the wrong way. His book will always be good to me, and I think it would be best if he did not go to the comic-con to answer questions in case the topic of gay marriage was brought up. Though I don't think Orson Scott Card deserves more money and fame, the book he wrote was a good book and shouldn't be influenced by the author in a bad way during the making of the movie. I don't think the movie should be boycotted because it is the art that the director and cast are trying to base the movie off of, not Orson Scott Card. I also don't think Mr.Vack should remove the book from his reading curriculum for the same reason that we only want to read a good book, not the author and his opinions.  Since art is the way people express themselves, I don't think Card could have written this book without believing at least some of what he wrote. It was said that Card is Mormon and is just trying to cover up his true feelings by making it seem like he is very anti-gay. I think this could very well be true because of how much he is making people believe that he is anti-gay. I hope the movie can be a success because the story is interesting and should be shared, but I hope that Orson Scott Card doesn't get in the way of things. I disagree with Card's opinion about gay marriage and believe that anyone should be able to love who they love and not be discriminated because of it. I do, however, like the book Card wrote and I think that true art should be judged by the work, not the person behind it. 

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