Thursday, February 28, 2013

Answer to Ender's Game Questions Chapters 12-15

Chapter 12-Bonzo:
1) When Bonzo and the other boys first came into the bathroom, Ender provoked Bonzo by talking about how his father would be proud of him. Ender said things such as, "Your father would be proud of you," and "...he would say, oh, what honor."  After that, Dink came in and talked about how if he touched Ender he was a "buggerlover." Bonzo reacted to Ender talking about his father by making himself "even" with Ender and taking his clothes off. After Dink talked about Ender being what the world needed, Bonzo smiled and built up even more hatred towards Ender. 

2) Stilson was a boy in Ender's class before he went to battle school and when he still had his monitor as a six year-old. Stilson was a bully to Ender and teased him for being a third child. When Bonzo attacked Ender in the shower, he thought of Stilson because if Ender was going to beat Bonzo, he had to be quick about it. That made him think of the time when he had to be quick about beating Stilson and fighting back when he was ganged up on.

3) Ender still expects help from the teachers because he knew that they valued him and if something actually were to happen to him, the whole world would be in trouble. He knew that they would always wait to see if anything bad would happen, but if it got out of hand, he would be okay. 

4) Yes I did know that Stilson and Bonzo died. I know because when Major Imbu and a Colonel were talking at the end of the chapter, Major Imbu said, "It wasn't murder, Colonel. We have it on video from two angles. No one can blame Ender," in response to the Colonel saying, "How is murder better, Major Imbu?" Later in their conversation, Major Imbu said, "They didn't tell him about Stilson, either."

5) I believe that it was justified of Ender to defend himself when someone bigger and stronger could hurt him very badly and not hold back, but I don't think that Ender had to go so far as killing Stilson and Bonzo. They didn't tell him about the deaths because they knew he would be completely broken by it and knew that he wouldn't want to kill the buggers after already killing people. He would have given up and maybe even killed himself because of how much he hates the thought of hurting people. 

Chapter 13-Valentine:

1) The quote, "Perhaps it is impossible to wear an identity without becoming what you pretend to be," means that when someone disguises them self and pretends to be someone who they are not, even be around people they aren't like, they begin to act like the person they were with so often or were pretending to be. An example of this is how Valentine pretended to be Demosthenes so much, that she began to think like him after writing her columns. 

2) To me, it isn't a natural "good" instinct for humans to be killers. I think that it's a horrible thing to kill someone or something. Even if it is in self-defense, I think that life would just be better if nobody killed anything like cows for meat, plants for fun and especially people. Though it sometimes needs to be done, I think killing is horrible no matter what the reason.

3) On the raft, Valentine did what Graff had asked her to do and convince Ender that he was the only one in the world that could defeat the buggers, whether he wanted to or not. They talked about how Peter was the one who actually want to rule the world and have his name known, but Ender was the one who had to win the next invasion because all of the world depended on it. Valentine loves both Peter and Ender, with Peter wanting to be famous, and Ender who has to become famous and defeat the buggers. This topic was discussed when valentine said, "Two faces of the same coin. And I am the metal in between." Then Ender replied, "The trouble with coins is, when one face is up, the other is down." Beside that, the two talked about the nets, being Wiggen children, and Demosthenes. 

4) Since Valentine hadn't seen Ender in such a long time, she only remembered him as a small little boy. Because of Ender being gone, Valentine turned to Peter to be with who, though she hated him, understood him. Now, Valentine was realizing that her and Peter may be more similar than she thought, and that maybe her thoughts were coming from jealousy. A memory was mentioned in the book about Valentine, Peter, and Ender playing with blocks, and Peter always taking a block out to make it fragile enough for the next person who took a block out to knock the tower down. This shows how Peter was annoying to her, but brought focus to their childhoods.Peter always understood Valentine and knew so much about her, but she never got embarrassed when he guessed her worst thoughts. Valentine felt the opposite about Ender though, and didn't want him to know what she was thinking because she would get embarrassed. 

5) Ender asked why the humans were fighting the buggers, and Graff said there are many possible answers such as the buggers colonizing, because they don't like having other intelligent life in the universe, because they don't think humans are intelligent life, because they thought humans were violent, and because of their religions. Graff thinks it is because there is no way for the humans and the buggers to communicate with each other so there isn't any way to know for sure if the other species wants to kill them or whatever they might have to say. He said that no one knows the real reason why the humans are fighting the buggers, but there is one sure thing: there will be a war and either the buggers or the humans have to and will die. 

Chapter 14-Ender's Teacher:

1) Ender hated Eros because the floors noticeably sloped downward and Ender was used to the floors curling up at battle school. He had gotten used to flat ground on Earth, but Eros was the opposite of what he was used to. Also, the gravity was only half of Earth's and the proportion of the rooms were uncomfortable to him. What bothered Ender most was that he was constantly surrounded by strangers. Ender figured out that Colonel Graff and the others were trying to isolate him by not letting him make any friends or even have the chance to.

2) Mazer Rackham was in Ender's room one morning and told him that Ender hasn't had any teachers before because, as he stated, "There is no teacher but the enemy." Mazar told Ender that he will be Ender's enemy from now on and will be his teacher.

3) Mazer had been dishonest with Ender because he knew that Ender couldn't do it if he knew what he was doing. Graff explained, "...but someone with that much compassion could never be the killer we needed..."It had to be Ender to defeat the Buggers because he understood them so well, and Mazer couldn't have done it because he was too old. I don't think Ender could have done it because he didn't want to kill the buggers and has too much of a heart to do such a thing like killing off an entire species.

4) I think that they did push the children too far. They were too young and didn't even get to be treated like children for more than four or five years of their life. It is a huge responsibility to fight in a war and the commanders should have waited until they were older. I do think it was worth pushing them though, because they beat the buggers and saved life on earth. The down side is that the kids who fought in the war will have to live with it the rest of their lives.

5) I think in the case that if the humans didn't destroy the buggers then the buggers would have killed them, it is justified to fight back, but if the humans were fighting the buggers just to be the only intelligent life in the universe, it wouldn't be justified. Yes, it was inevitable for the buggers to fight the humans because the ships were already going for either thirty, twenty, or seventy years and there had to be a third invasion to finish the war.

Chapter 15-Speaker for the Dead:

1) When Valentine said, "Nobody controls his own life, Ender. The best you can do is choose to fill the roles given to you by good people, by people who love you," I agreed with her statement, but I think that since Ender had been through so much and done so much of what people asked of him, he should get a break and be able to do what he wanted. 

2) Ender knew that he had killed many living beings including the buggers, Stilson, and Bonzo. He felt that he had done many crimes, and killing Bonzo and Stilson wasn't any worse or less of a crime than the others. 

3) Valentine didn't want Ender to go back to Earth because Peter wanted him there under the protection of the Hegemon's Council. I understood when Valentine said, "The way things are right now, Ender, that would put you effectively under Peter's control, since half the council now does just as Peter wants. The ones that aren't Locke's lapdogs are under his thumb in other ways." After discussing that Peter wanted to publicly reveal videos and look mature compared to Ender, he asked why Valentine stopped him and she replied, "Ender, you wouldn't be happy spending the rest of your life as Peter's Pawn.

4) Valentine's statement about Peter saving millions of lives was ironic because while Peter saved millions of lives, Ender was forced to kill millions during the Bugger war. 

5) When Ender was in the end of the world section in his game on the bugger planet, he found the queen's egg and whenever he closed his eyes he could see what she was telling him. From her he found out that she forgave him for destroying the buggers and she was where he got his information from. In the book, Ender thought to himself, "...How can I see these things, like memories in my own mind."

6) He signed his book "Speaker for the Dead" instead of Ender Wiggen because he was already so famous and would be known even more from his book. He didn't want to be known for killing the buggers and then becoming close to one.

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