Thursday, February 21, 2013

Answer to Questions Chapters 9-11

Chapter 9-Locke and Demosthenes:
1) Peter has the power to make people do what he wants by using their fears against them, but Valentine has the power to make people do what she wants them to do by flattering them and finding their best qualities. I think that Peter convinced Valentine to get internet access from their father, but Valentine still has the power.  When Valentine thought, "You are only pretending to share the power with me, but in fact I have power over you, even though you don't know it," I began to think that Valentine has the overall control of the two. 

2) Ender is still angry because he no longer has any control over his life and every decision and right of his was taken away. All that Ender loved was either taken away or controlled by the teachers of the battle school and Valentine, who was all he had left, is now taken over by them too.

Chapter 10-Dragon:

1) Ender was a leader who enforced discipline to his army and didn't give them much time to do things. An example of this is when he made some of the boys go out naked because they didn't have enough time to get their suits on. Another time is when they were in the battle room and Ender made them answer questions quickly about things they didn't very well know. I think he did this because he was very young to be a commander and he wanted to make them intimidated by him so that they wouldn't push him around for being so young. He also wanted to make sure that his army was as good as possible because the Dragon Army had a bad reputation to the other armies and he wanted to built his army men up to make sure they won their battles and prove that he could be a good commander.

2) Ender put Bean on the spot and made it seem like he was much better than all of the other boys. Bean, being the smallest of them, was quickly resented for making the others feel dumb. Ender looked to Bean for answers and told the other boys, "... At least I have one soldier who can figure things out..." Ender was treated the exact same way by Colonel Graff and he knew that Bean was a quick-thinking, cocky boy. At first, Ender probably just wanted to have someone else to feel his pain, but after doing it, Ender regretted making him feel bad. Still, Ender knew that Bean would be a good soldier.

3) The word "Salaam" means peace be unto you. When Ender was removed from the launchy group into the Salamander Army, Alai wished him peace and though Ender didn't know what it meant, Alai still said it as a prayer for Ender. Religious identity can be powerful because the Alai that wished Ender peace is almost a different person than the Alai who Ender hung out with at practices. 

4) The ending of this chapter is important because Ender's emotions were basically broken and he claimed that he could never be hurt deep enough to cry again.  The teachers of the battle school wanted Ender to be isolated and have to rely on himself. They wanted him to think that nobody could help him so that as a real commander, he would be able to think for himself. By knowing that his friendship with Alai would never be the same, and that Valentine would now be nothing but a tool for the teachers, Ender felt that he had no real relationships anymore. That, in a way, is isolation so the teachers did get the reaction they wanted.

Chapter 11- Veni Vidi Vici:

1) The computer knows Ender so well because when he plays the fantasy game, it picks up information from his brain and analyzes the data in it's files!

2) The quote, "Yes. That’s the worst that could happen. I can’t lose any games. Because if I lose any--” is cut off by Ender because he didn't want to tell Bean why. Ender didn't couldn't lose any games because if he did, the other commanders would think of him as just a little kid again and the Dragon Army's reputation would be ruined. 

3) The teachers are pushing Ender so hard because they want him to be a good commander and 

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