Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Ender's Game Anticipation Guide

Lying is justifiable if it's for the greater good.
This was the first statement in the anticipation guide I took for the book, Ender's Game. I had to choose a bubble out of five, one being strongly disagree and five being strongly agree. For this statement, I chose a four because though I know that lying is never good and doesn't often lead to a good thing, I have been in situations were lying is the best option.

Sometimes violence is the only way to solve a problem.
For this statement, I chose the second bubble because I disagree. Communication is the most important thing when there is a problem and violence just leads to something worse. I don't like it when violence is involved in fights and though I don't strongly feel that violence is the most horrible thing in the world, I avoid it when I can.

It is okay to kill someone in self-defense. 
This was hard to choose, because I would hate to even be in a situation where I might need to kill someone in self defense. I chose the third bubble because if that is the only option, it's what needs to be done. Killing someone would be a horrible thing though, and it would be hard to live with myself if I ever did. I hope I never need to make the choice.

Words are stronger than fists. 

I answered this statement with a four because there are certain words that can sting more than a punch. Some things that people say hurt very bad, and though it's in a different type of pain than physical, words can be just as bad if not worse. I didn't choose a five for this one because it isn't always true. Sometimes, being beaten up hurts more than a rude remark.

Bullies hurt others because they have low self esteem. 
This statement I agree with for most cases and chose a four again. Bullies that I can think of usually have issues and need to take it out on others. It is something that I would want to feel bad about, but may not because of how they deal with their problems. Of course, there are people who simply feel the need to be mean and that is why I don't strongly agree.
Only the best and brightest students should receive the best education to become a nation's leaders.
For this statement, I answered with a two because if someone tries very hard, their level of intelligence doesn't matter. To be a leader, one needs to be at least a little smart, but they may have better leader skills than math or science. Also, they could have changed since they were a kid and became much more mature.

 Revenge is never justified. 
I answered this with the third bubble because I know that forgiveness is a great personality trait, but I have definitely felt the need to give back what I've taken. It is bad to feel this way, but I can't help that I do and that's who I am! Since I understand both sides of the statement, I decided to be in the middle.

 Crying is evidence of weakness.
I strongly disagree with this statement and decided to give it a one. Crying can be really helpful when stress builds up inside and shows strength in my opinion that one isn't to afraid to let out the bad feelings inside. Sometimes, after a good cry one will be ready to take on more because of letting go of the past problems.

Any action is acceptable in war.
For this statement, I wasn't really sure what to put, so I went with the third bubble. I think that when something drastic needs to be done, it just needs to be done and their is nothing that can be done about it. I don't have any experience in war, so I wouldn't know when something is acceptable and when something isn't. 

Teenagers need discipline and rules because they can't control themselves.
I agree that teenagers need discipline and rules, but I don't agree that all teenagers can't control themselves and that is why. Rules are there for organization and so that things stay in order, but without rules, there are many teenagers who would do just fine without strict discipline. Because of my agreeing to the first part of the statement, but not the second, I chose the second bubble. 

Only though personal sacrifice can someone create positive change.
I answered this statement with the third bubble, because though there can be sacrifices made, there doesn't have to be. Positive change can be as big as starting an organization which will often take some sacrifice, but can also be as little as sitting with someone new for lunch which wouldn't usually take sacrifice. Since it may or may not take sacrifice, I chose the middle one meaning I agree and disagree. 

Generating compassion for your enemies is the only way to create peace.
For this statement, I chose the fourth bubble because I mostly agree with this statement. When someone wants to fix a problem or fight, they must communicate with the enemy in a calm way and sometimes, the only way to do that is to surrender to the enemy and be mature about forgiving them. In certain cases, the problem can be fixed in other ways that aren't as nice like finding a way to get rid of them. I think that creating peace would be the best way, or at least pretending to create peace.


  1. I really liked reading your answers and I agreed with most of them, you also had very good reasoning behind all of them
