Wednesday, December 18, 2013

My Survey Analysis

The quality and type of questions in my survey compare to others in similar ways. Many people did music surveys and asked similar questions, but I feel that mine is still unique in the sense that most questions were not asked by others. Questions like, “What kind of genre do you listen to?” and “Do you play an instrument?” were asked in more than one survey. Questions that I asked that others did not were “How do you feel about your school music program?” and “In what form do you learn music?”
I think that the quality of my survey was high because my questions could relate to anyone and I had a variety of options to chose from. That is what I believe makes a good survey question. Some surveys were very easy to answer and enjoyable, while others were hard to answer and didn't have options that applied to me. Questions like, “What is your favorite sports team?” and “Do you like Xbox or PS3 better?” were difficult for me to answer because I don’t have a favorite sports team, nor do I play Xbox or PS3.
I did not observe any trends in my data. Most answers varied quite a bit and I saw no recurring patterns in the information given. A result that I found predictable was that the majority of the class said they like to listen to music very much. My results showed that 81% of the class chose 5 on a scale of 1-5 for whether or not they like to listen to music (5 being very much). This was predictable to me because I know that people in my class like to listen to music. I know this because many people do this during any time throughout the day permitted for them to. Another predictable result I saw was that Pop was the most liked genre out of the options I had. Though I got very diverse results for this question, Pop was 12% ahead of the next highest (Other). This was predictable to me because personally I already knew that many of my classmates listen to pop. A result that surprised me was that 8% of those who took my survey believe that their school music program makes no difference. I suppose this is surprising to me because I strongly believe that having a music program at a school is important.
Through this survey, I learned that many of my classmates play instruments. Out of those many who do play instruments, a large amount of them play more than one. I also learned that many of my classmates know how to read sheet music. I think this is great because music is like another language. It is astonishing to know that many more of my classmates than I would have guessed are, in my opinion, “bilingual.”
A challenge from this assignment was making the questions relatable to everyone. I might have had different questions if my survey only related to those who play music. If someone who doesn't know anything about music took my survey, they probably wouldn't have enjoyed it very much.
What I liked about this assignment is that I learned my classmates’ musical abilities. From this survey I have discovered new things about my friends. I disliked the fact that I had to have a question of every type because some of my questions would have worked better in a different form.
Surveys are such a large part of business, politics, and more because companies and people can get feedback and input from their audience. The business can see how well they are doing without having to directly speak to the customer.  

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