Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Two Journeys; One Prize

I was a trash boy while in Behala, until I found a bag.
As a young staff boy for the Vice President, my life was surely a drag.
Inside the bag, lay special clues that led to hidden dough.
The man I worked for, V.P. Zapanta, was greedy and white as snow.
To search for money, I brought along my friends, Gardo and Rat.
And even though Behala’s poor, Zapanta remains fat.
The ‘84 Nelson Bible read “the cemetery is where we must go.”
I am the one took the money, for citizens’ income was too low.
At the cemetery in Naravo, I’m looking for grave B twenty-four/8.
Now the police have caught me, and my death has a date.
Here in the graveyard, the rich and poor are split.
At least the money is hidden, in the coffin is where it fit.
I’ve searched all day for the Angelico’s graves, but they are nowhere to be found.
Raphael, you are so close, if only I could mutter a sound!
What this a little girl? What are you doing here?
Oh Pia Dante, lead them to the treasure my dear.
Drink this tea thin girl, while we drink up the brandy.
Using V.P’s old fridge to move the money was handy.
Now that Pia is fast asleep, we must go uncover her grave!
Be quick my boy, don’t be too loud, but you must be very brave.
Musty air, but no bad smell, this coffin was covered in dust.
The money may fill you with greed, but share it with others, you must!
With all this money, we must give back to whom it’s from.
Good boy, yes go to the mission school and grant them a large sum.
We’ve stuffed up all the backpacks, with lots and lots of notes.
Now fill the streets with money, leave enough to cover boats!
Now that we given back, it’s time to take a train.
Go to Fort Barton and fish all day, I wish you no more pain!
You’ve taught me many things Jose, I’m not who I used to be.
I’ll see you in the afterlife, ‘till then enjoy living free.
And always open the bag, it may be deeper than what you see.